City Mission Management Unit (CMMU), Goalpara Recruitment of Computer Operator & Other Post || Assam Job


City Mission Management Unit (CMMU), Goalpara Recruitment of Computer Operator & Other Post || Assam Job

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City Mission Management Unit (CMMU), Goalpara Recruitment 

Application is hereby invited in the Standard Form of Application published in the Part-IX of the Assam Gazette from eligible Indian Citizens for contractual engagement at City Mission Management Unit (CMMU), Goalpara under Assam State Urban Livelihood Mission Society, Assam (DAY-NULM, Assam) for one (1) post of Computer Operator and One (1) post of Community Organizer.

Important Instructions:
1. This engagement will be purely temporary on contratucal basis and NULM Mission related only.
2 Initially this engagement will be for 11 months based on performance and requirement of the mission, contract may further be extended.
3. Candidates willing to apply must submit self attested testimonials along with Standard format of job application.
4. 2 (two) copies of recent passport size colour photograph must be pasted in the job application format.
5. The Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a written Test and /or Interview for which no TA/DA shall be paid.
6. Imcomplete applications will be rejected without any information and only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test and / or interview.
7. Mere fulfillment of the minimum qualification will not vest any right on a candidate for being called for written test/Computer Test.
8. The candidates will have to superscribe the name of the post applied for as “Application for the post of ……” at the top of sealed envelope containing the application form and relevant testimonials.
9. Application received after the closing date, unsigned without proper document and prescribed format will be summarily rejected.
10. The application is to be submitted within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Application can be forwarded either through Ordinary/Registered/Speed Post or submitted by hand at Goalpara Municipal Board, Goalpara addressing to The City Project Officer, City Mission Management Unit, ASULMS, O/o Goalpara Municipal Boards, Kachari Road, Goalpara, Assam-783101.

Sd/- City Project Officer
City MissionManagement Unit, DAY-NULM (ASULM) 
Goalpara Municipal Board, Goalpara

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